Venture Wishlist shares ideas and themes VCs want to fund.

It’s written by the team at Purpose Built venture studio:

  • Miles Lasater: 3-time founder: IPO, Acquisition, Crater; VC at F-Prime; podcast host at Startups for Good.

  • Taylor Thompson: 2-time founder: Profitable, 10X Series A; Biz dev and Strategy at tech nonprofit teaching millions of kids to read; Writing for HBR.

  • Alice Pang: Brand and community marketing at unicorns; Series A head of marketing.

Each newsletter includes a summary of specific businesses and themes leading early stage investors are looking to invest in, together with their insights about startup opportunities today.

Subscribe to Venture Wishlist

Venture Wishlist interviews VCs about the specific ideas and themes they want to fund.


Co-Founder at Purpose Built ventures studio.
Founder and investor. Husband, father and book addict. CEO at Purpose Built and Podcast at Opinions my own.